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We introduce the subject of data in analytics and AI and discuss options for sourcing data.

[PDF] [PPTx] [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

Classifying Data

What is there in the world? This is an important question if we're going to measure it. This presentation looks at the types of data used in AI and analytics.

[PDF] [PPTx] [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

Organizing Data

Data is useful only after it has been managed and organized. This presentations looks at the steps involved in data cleaning, labeling and classification.

[PDF] [PPTx] [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

Working With Data

The fourth video in our short series on data, this video looks at merging and mixing data, addressing sources of bias in data, and issues related to data risks and ownership of data.

[PDF] [PPTx] [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]


#Ethics21 Week 7 Takeaways
In the #ethics21 MOOC, some important thoughts were really carried through. This made the limitation of AI much clearer for me. Continue reading &#...

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