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Applications of Analytics

Identifying the Bad

Category: Deontic Analytics

The patterns and behaviours exhibited by one or more persons may be evidence of bad intentions. An example of this is the process of conspiracy-theory detection. For example, a recent Ryerson-Royal Roads research project is analyzing patterns to detect the spread of misinformation about Covid-19. “Coronavirus misinformation is spreading quickly on social media. We are starting to see that many of the tactics and tools used to spread politically-motivated misinformation are now being used to spread misinformation about COVID-19” (Habib, 2020). Researchers look for signs of ‘social bots’ and ‘coordinated inauthentic behaviour’. “These two forms of social manipulation, when left unchecked, can skew the conversation, manufacture anger where there is none, suppress opposition or dampen debate. These tactics may undermine our ability as citizens to make decisions and reach consensus as a society” (Ibid).

Examples and Articles

Ask Delphi

Demo of an AI machine for all the ethical dilemmas in the world. Ask an ethical question and Delphi will let you know whether it's the right thing to do.Worth noting: it uses Reddit, including r/AITA, as a training set.

Direct Link


Lie detectors have always been suspect. AI has made the problem worse.
"A new generation of lie detectors based on artificial intelligence have emerged in the past decade. Their proponents claim they are both faster and more accurate than polygraphs." Direct Link


What Is This AI Bot’s Moral Philosophy?
"What is Delphi’s moral philosophy? Given Delphi’s source data, figuring this out might give us an easily accessible, if rough, picture of the average U.S. citizen’s moral philosophy." Justin Weinberg. November 2, 2021, Daily Nous. Direct Link

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