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Applications of Analytics

Student Recruitment

Category: Predictive Analytics

Descriptive and predictive analytics can assist an institution in recruitment. A McKinsey report describes a project at Northeastern that led them to “introduce a number of changes to appeal to those individuals most likely to enroll once admitted, including offering combined majors.” The same report also described how as a result of analytics at UMUC “invested in new call-center capabilities and within a year realized a 20 percent increase in new student enrollment.” (Krawitz, Law & Litman, 2018)

Examples and Articles

SeligoAI: Improving University Recruitment Cost and Student Retention with Custom Algorithms enabled by Machine Learning on AWS
“By providing market intelligence throughout each phase of the funnel management process: prospect, inquiry, applicant, accepted, deposited, registered, and matriculant... marketing and recruitment pivots can be made based on changes in students’ responses and Success Indices.” Direct Link

Do you have another example of Student Recruitment? Suggest it here
