Drachsler, H. & Greller, W. - DELICATE
Nov 03, 2021
[Graph Issues]
Maren Deepwell: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SzbV0ODk-AzlyZ0UXmA1ac_4enc_-Fy_EcMoIZtwrtk/edit#slide=id.g7690fbd6c2_0_725ALT would endorse the DELICATE checklist developed by the LACE Project, which includes the following 8 principles guiding the institutional use of learning analytics:
Drachsler, H. & Greller, W. (2016). Privacy and Analytics \x96 it's a DELICATE issue. A Checklist to establish trusted Learning Analytics. 6th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference 2016, April 25-29, 2016, pp. 89-98. Edinburgh, UK. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2883851.2883893.
The eight points are:
1. D-etermination: Decide on the purpose of learning analytics for your institution.
2. E-xplain: Define the scope of data collection and usage.
3. L-egitimate: Explain how you operate within the legal frameworks, refer to the essential legislation.
4. I-nvolve: Talk to stakeholders and give assurances about the data distribution and use.
5. C-onsent: Seek consent through clear consent questions.
6. A-nonymise: De-identify individuals as much as possible
7. T-echnical aspects: Monitor who has access to data, especially in areas with high staff turn-over.
8. E-xternal partners: Make sure externals provide highest data security standards.
"Another example is an initiative that was recently announced in the UK focused on student suicide prevent which included a project which aimed to: develop an "Early Alert Tool, led by Northumbria University, which will identify students at risk of mental health crisis by mining data sources, like social media." This and other national efforts to scale up the use of learning and learner analystics pose serious questions of us: they require us to articulate how we can make ethical use of such technology, what approaches we want to see adopted by policy makers and how we can cooperate with each other and with industry to educate ourselves and our students. ALT consulted its membership and submitted a response to the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Data Analytics. Of course, this example only scratches the surface of the scary realms that some of the more sophisticated surveillance products in education are capable of. Martin Hawksey's recent keynote on surveillance which demonstrates some of what is possible with readily available tech and a few hours of coding."
- Course Outline
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- Activity Centre
- -1. Getting Ready
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Applications of Learning Analytics
- 3. Ethical Issues in Learning Analytics
- 4. Ethical Codes
- 5. Approaches to Ethics
- 6. The Duty of Care
- 7. The Decisions We Make
- 8. Ethical Practices in Learning Analytics
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