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Nadia Soliman - Academic Leadership Code

Nov 03, 2021

[Graph Issues]


This code is derived from the summary (Folan, 2020) of a presentation by Nadia Soliman to an Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (PASPA) webinar. The presentation is placed into the context of pressures on early-career researchers (ECR) who "are being pressured into publishing against their ethics because of threats relating to job security" (Ibid). She draws on her experience in the British army because, she argues, "Unlike the Army, academics do not have a values and leadership code to refer to for guidance" (Ibid).
The Academic Leadership is "a document that articulates our values (the guiding principles) and the types of leadership behaviours to uphold those values" (Ibid). The values are academic freedom, scholarly excellence, mutual respect, collaboration, integrity. The leadership behaviours, in turn, are to lead by example, develop others, build teams and collaborations, strive for team goals, and do the right thing. The expectation is to develop a culture of scholarly excellence, collaboration and integrity.

