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Ethics of care
Wikipedia, 2021/11/22

Some assumptions of the ethics of care theory are basic:

  1. Persons are understood to have varying degrees of dependence and interdependence on one another.
  2. Other individuals affected by the consequences of one's choices deserve consideration in proportion to their vulnerability.
  3. Situational details determine how to safeguard and promote the interests of those involved.

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Care Ethics
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021/11/22

"Most often defined as a practice or virtue rather than a theory as such, 'care' involves maintaining the world of, and meeting the needs of, ourself and others. It builds on the motivation to care for those who are dependent and vulnerable, and it is inspired by both memories of being cared for and the idealizations of self."

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
Adam Curtis, BBC, 2021/11/22

"Films by Adam Curtis about how humans have been colonised by machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything is through the eyes of the computers." See also the synopsis on Wikipedia.

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Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Jaron Lanier, 2021/11/22

Home page for Lanier's book of the same name, but also contains some great links, including Jaron Lanier Fixes the Internet, a three part op-ed video series for The New York Times detailing Digital Dignity, released September 23, 2019, and his TED talk on April 12, 2018, How we need to remake the internet.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

Making sense of data ethics. The powers behind the data ethics debate in European policymaking
Gry Hasselbalch, Internet Policy Review, 2021/11/22

Data ethics has gained traction in policy-making. The article presents an analytical investigation of the different dimensions and actors shaping data ethics in European policy-making. It also presents an analytical framework for an action-oriented “data ethics of power” that aims to elucidate the power relations of the ‘Big Data Society’, arguing that we recognise data ethics policy initiatives as open-ended spaces of negotiation among different interest groups that seek to guide the cultural definition of “data ethics”,

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]


Module 6 - Introduction

Opening discussion for Module 6 - 'The Duty of Care' - in which we talked about various aspects of care, how we felt care may originate, and whether machines (or other non-humn entities) could be caring, or at the very least, promote care instead of inhibiting it.

[PDF] [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

Introduction to the Duty of Care

Introduces the discussion of the 'duty of care' as a response to 'ethics of power' approaches based in machine, hierarchy and order. It approaches the concept from two directions: one being the requirement of 'care' in a professional sense, and the other being the sense or feeling of 'care' felt by mothers for their children. In both there is a sense of an increasing responsibility toward those who are dependent on us, but one that is based in a sensation or feeling rather than fundamental principle of morality.

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