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What Should we do with the Art of Moral Monsters?
John Danaher, Philosophical Disquisitions, 2021/11/18

This is one of those questions that perplex philosophers: how to think about the art produced by morally repugnant people. The harm has already been done and the people have either been punished or passed on. But is the art somehow tainted by the deeps of its creator? This article looks at the issues surrounding the question.

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Owning Ethics
Jacob Metcalf, Emanuel Moss, danah boyd, Data & Society, 2021/11/18

This paper (14 page PDF) addresses the question of "what it looks like to 'own ethics' in the tech industry today" and leads us "to question whether and how ethics, as an organizational responsibility, can challenge the core logics of the industry that repeatedly animate its ethical crises." It addresses ethics "as social phenomena and not as primarily philosophical abstractions" (one could ask whether that's appropriate). The authors argue, "If ethics is simply absorbed within the logics of market fundamentalism, meritocracy, and technological solutionism, it is unlikely that the tech sector will be able to offer a meaningful response to the desire for a more just and values-driven tech ecosystem."

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What are the foundations of our moral theories? Where do ethical principles come from? How do we even know they're true? This presentation looks at the study of ethics from a meta perspective, asking about how we conduct ethical reasoning in general.

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