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An Ethical Codes Reader
Stephen Downes, Google Docs,

This Reader is divided into two major sections. The first section is composed of short summaries of the more than 70 ethical codes considered. These summaries are organized into the professional branch or discipline the code covers. The second section is a longer presentation of the code, sometimes reproducing it in full, and in other cases extracting salient sections, with links to each of the ethical codes in the original.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]


Bad Actors

What happens when bad actors use analytics and AI? This video looks at number of examples and discusses some of the ethical implications for educational technologists, teachers and learning institutions.


Module 4 - Introduction

Welcome to module 4, covering the topic of ethical codes. This introductory video talks about some of the general issues around ethical codes in analytics and AI, and about half way through the subject is introduced by means of a presentation with slides. We talk about the motivations for ethical codes, the roles they play, who writes them, who they apply to, and what they contain. (Previous version)


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