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Ethics and Analytics: What We Mean By Analytics

In this video we look at what we mean by analytics, including the different ways to classify analytics, arguments for taking a broad view of the subject, the relation between analytics and artificial intelligence, and a look at why analytics raises new classes of ethical issues.

[Slides] [Audio] [Video] [Transcript]

Module 1 - Discussion

Discussion of some of the overall mechanics of the course, how we're going to look at the subject, the role gRSShopper plays in our understanding of the subject, and more. Very informal.

[Audio] [Video] [Transcript]


#Ethics21 Week 1 Task
"What Does Ethics Mean to You?" ... It is not like legal obligations, it is voluntary and beyond legal compliance. This also means that ethical ...

Module one – #Ethics21 MOOC
I’m watching the recording from Stephen‘s intro yesterday to Ethics, Analytics, and the Duty of Care. First thing that really jumps out ...

Ethics ’21 – Introduction
In Stephen’s video introduction (https://ethics.mooc.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?presentation=5) to the MOOC, it was highlighted that codes of ethics are ...

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