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Module 4 - Identity

If you think you're running behind in the course - don't worry. I'm running even further behind! Don't forget, the module pages grow as the course continues, and even if you enter content late, it gets added to the list of posts. You might want to go back through the Data, Cloud and Graph module pages to look at how the content has grown since we started.

We concluded module on 'Graph' on a high note, with a series of excellent posts and interesting assignment submissions. Do take the time to read through as many of them as you can.

But there's barely time to pause for breath as we enter into a challenging module on identity. Get started by reading the synopsis. I've added a bunch of resources that should get you started. I'll be posting this week's assignment on Tuesday. Wednesday at 15:00 Eastern Standard Time we will have our weekly conversation, this time with Maha Bali.


The Basics of Decentralized Identity
Kames, Medium, Uport, 2018/11/12

This is a reasonably clear and relatively straight-forward account of the concept of distributed identity. There's a strong blockchain slant to the discussion, but ignore that - the concepts remain the same with or without blockchain. As the article goes on it gets more technical, so feel free to bail when your comfort level is exceeded.

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Identity Graphs: how online trackers follow you across devices
Robert Heaton, 2018/11/12

This articl introduces you to the concept of the identity graph. This is a graph created by advertisers linking all your identifiable information together to create a picture of a single individual out of distributed data. This article is a leisurely read and doesn't get too complex, though it's a bit long. For more on identity graphs: What is an Identity Graph, 6 Things Every Marketer Need to Know. Note that while the identity graph originates as a marketing concept, it is not exclusively a marketing concept, and something people and organizations can take control of in their own right.

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What Is Identity?
OpenLearn, 2018/11/12

I am recommending a read through the first part of this short course from OpenLearn. It looks at questions like "How are identities formed?" and "How much control do we have in shaping our own identities?" Of course, the next few sections (on gender, class and origin) are also useful, but they go beyond the scope of this course. While reading, consider this: "the importance of marking oneself as having the same identity as one group of people and a different one from others." Is identity based on group? Or....?

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What is identity? A sociological perspective
Mary Jane Kehily, ESRC Seminar Series, 2018/11/12

8 page academic paper on identity, giving us yet another perspective on the concept. "In returning to the idea of identity as a meeting place it is possible to see identity as relational – formed and played out in relation to those who are similar and those who are different....  it is possible to detect shifting emphases in relationships to past, present, future. Finally, identity is never complete and can incorporate aspirational and fantasy elements."

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A Response To Jenny’S “E-Learning 3.0: The Human Versus The Machine”
Frank, Doin’ Stuff, 2018/11/13

A big THANK YOU to Jenny for responding to my challenge task with her recent response “E-Learning 3.0: The Human versus the Machine” Jenny answers the question of what makes humans unique from a machine by saying that “a human being is able to relate to something ‘Other’ than itself that exists apart from us, … Continue reading "A Response to Jenny’s “E-Learning 3.0: The Human versus the Machine”"

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#El30 Task: Graphs And Concept Maps
Roland, Learning with Moocs, 2018/11/13

The task for this week in the course E-learning 3.0: Create a model graph of some aspect of the E-Learning 3.0 course (it doesn’t have to be an actual graph, only a representation of what an actual graph might look like. We’ve already seen, eg., graphs on the relations between people in the course. Could […]

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Graphs Vs. Linear Narratives
Roland, Learning with Moocs, 2018/11/13

Facilitator Stephen Downes of the course E-learning 3.0 (#el30) explains Graphs in this video. In his own words: The graph is the conceptual basis for web3 networks. A graph is a distributed representation of a state of affairs created by our interactions with each other. The graph is at once the outcome of these interactions […]

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Dispatch From The Frontline Of The Decentralized Web
Roland, Learning with Moocs, 2018/11/13

In the course E-learning 3.0 our facilitator Stephen Downes had an interview with Ben Werdmuller who co-founded Elgg and Known, worked on Medium and Latakoo, and invested in innovative media startups to support a stronger democracy at Matter. These ventures are very related to all things decentralized web, the movement away from the big silos […]

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When Is A Graph Not A ‘Graph’?
kgq962, Random Access Learning, 2018/11/13

I’m sure I’m not alone in hearing the word ‘graph’ and thinking about high school maths or statistics. But, in the context of this week’s topic on the eLearning 3.0 MOOC, the meaning is totally different. In this context, when … Continue reading →

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Considering The Cloud
kgq962, Random Access Learning, 2018/11/13

So, I know this is late, but hey, the day job sometimes takes over, so now I’m playing catch up. So here goes – impressions and take aways from “Cloud Week” … I’ll admit, I find the whole Jupyter Notebook/Docker/Docker … Continue reading →

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A Conversation With Ben Werdmüller
Brainstorm in Progress, 2018/11/13

I watched a video today for our eLearning 3.0 class – an interview between Stephen Downes (course facilitator) and Ben Werdmüller, cofounder of ELGG and Known. This was an interesting conversation for myself because I am very interested in the … Continue reading →

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Where Do Trees Come From? Graphs!
ioannouolga, connecting data to information to knowledge, 2018/11/13

Trees start from a root node and might connect to other nodes, which means that could contain subtrees within them. Trees are defined by a certain set of rules: one root node may or may not connect to others, but ultimately, it all stems from one specific place. The tree follows one direction and cannot […]

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#El30 Week 3 – Graph
daveymoloney, Davey Moloney, 2018/11/13

For #EL30 this week, the topic of Graph is explored. This blog post will not address our task for this week but will instead capture some of what I’ve been considering about the topic and some excellent resources I’ve found that have helped to shape my thoughts. The graph (think network, community, ecosystem of connections) is seen as … Continue reading "#EL30 Week 3 – Graph"

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Thinking Of Knowledge As A Graph
jennymackness, e-learning 3.0 – Jenny Connected, 2018/11/13

This is a response to the E-Learning 3.0 task  for course participants created by Matthias Melcher. See https://x28newblog.wordpress.com/2018/11/09/el30-graph-task/ The task requires that we select from one of the topics of this course, and create a map from the list of… Continue reading →

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Wrapping My Head Around Graphs And Networks And Stories
dogtrax, EL30 – Kevin's Meandering Mind, 2018/11/13

I am reading and re-reading Stephen Downes’ piece on graphs for the EL30 (E-Learning 3.0) course, pondering the ways he thinks about the representation of social networks, stories and more. I am not even sure I follow it all. I’m fine with that, for it has me thinking in differen directions. What I am wondering […]

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What Makes Us Human?
Laura, lauraritchie.com, 2018/11/13

This post is in response to the question asked by Frank Polster in his post about the conversation between Stephen Downes and George Siemens.  I found the question via Jenny Mackness’ post. The basic question was What are the core qualities that make us human?   Here’s what my gut says:   Primitive machines were reactionary. They […] The post What makes us human? appeared first on lauraritchie.com.

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